11 Common Content Mistakes

Mistake 1

Not Caring Enough

  • Thinking website content is not very important
  • Thinking you can regurgitate the same old stuff
  • Thinking words on a web page are just there to fill the page
Mistake 2


  • Leaving content preparation to the last minute
  • Making website “live” with filler content and never replacing
  • Not understanding good content takes time
Mistake 3

Inadequate Research

  • Not knowing where to start
  • Not knowing what your customers really want, need or expect on your website
  • Not knowing what keywords to use and what to avoid
Mistake 4

Not writing for your correct target audience

  • Not writing for your correct target audience
  • Not providing the right content at the right stage in the customer’s research or buying process.
  • Not understanding good content takes time
Mistake 5

Inappropriate writing style and tone of voice.

  • Writing style not authentic with your brand & business
  • Inconsistent styles on different pages
Mistake 6

Boring or unhelpful content

  • Not focusing on delivering value in your content
  • Not engaging readers
  • Not leading customers to the next step
Mistake 7

Errors in content

  • Not checking spelling, grammar and punctuation
  • Not editing content carefully
  • Poor proof-reading
Mistake 8

Duplicate Content

  • Not creating good original content
  • Plagiarising content written by others
  • Re-using content that is already on other web pages
  • Incorrect set up of web pages and blog posts so Google sees duplicates
Mistake 9

Not building Trust

  • Over-selling your content with too much hype
  • Not using customer and 3rd party comments ato build credibility
  • Not including trust-builders
Mistake 10

Stale Content

  • Website looks old, tired & unloved
  • Not enough fresh new content
  • Too much out-of-date content
Mistake 11

We-We Content

  • Too much use of ‘We’
  • Self-focused content
  • Not enough focus on the benefits you provide customers

Types of Content

What types of content do websites have?

Most websites have a combination of owner-generated content and user-generated content. The core content on most website is written content, but web content also includes images, videos and much more.

Owner-Generated Content

Owner-generated content is created by the website owner. This can include:

  • Web page articles
  • News and blog articles
  • Events and event calendars
  • Frequently Asked Questions, Case Studies, Guides
  • Videos and animations
  • Photos, graphic images & infographics
  • Audio files
  • Legally required content, including Terms of Use, Privacy Policy,
    Cookie Policy and Disclaimers

User-Generated content

User-Generated content is created by people who use the website. This can include:

  • Posts, comments and questions
  • Ratings, reviews & testimonials
  • Uploaded videos, images and audio files

eCommerce Website Content

eCommerce websites have additional types of owner-generated content, including

  • Category / Collections content
  • Shopping Process content
  • Product Description content
  • Shopping Cart & Checkout Sales content
  • Payment & Billing content
  • Shipping, Returns & Guarantee content

Length of Content

Articles for the web can be any length, but as a helpful guide, a short article is typically 350 – 500 words. A Mid length article could be 1000 – 1500 words, and a longer article is 1500 to 2500 words or more.

A few years ago, 800 words was considered a good length for a web page article, but these days the best articles for SEO ranking are generally over 2,000 words.

But… it’s never just about ‘length’. Long articles that are irrelevant, unhelpful and trashy will never get read by humans and will never rank well in Google.

Focus the article on a topic of interest to your website visitors and customers. Focus on the relevant keywords which are the words and phrases these people are likely to search for in Google to find information on this topic.

Quality is far more important than quantity, and a mix of words, images and videos is often the best. It’s good to include questions and answers relevant to the topic of the article.

Don’t be frightened to have long articles, but make sure they are helpful and well written.

Be objective about your business

How to get great content

When you prepare content for your website, it’s important to be honest and objective including your strengths, abilities and experience. Focus on what makes you special. What differentiates your business from others in the marketplace? How can you explain it quickly? And how can you prove it?

Here are some questions to help you get started.

19 Essential Business Questions

  1. What is the purpose of your business? Why does your business exist?
  2. What is your vision for the future?
  3. What will your business look like when it is done?
  1. What are your values?
  2. What do you stand for?
  3. What won’t you stand for?
  1. What can your business be great at?
  2. What words would you like your staff and customers to use when they talk about your business?
  1. What makes your business different and special in the marketplace?
  2. What makes you unique?
  3. How do your customers describe this?
  1. What pain do you reduce?
  2. Which problems do you solve?
  3. What true story examples can you share?
  1. What key benefits do customers enjoy when they use your products or services?
  2. What genuine customer comments, reviews or testimonials can you include?
  1. What do you have to get right for your business to succeed?
  2. What must you deliver for your customers to be happy?
  3. Which true stories from happy customers can you include?
How to get great content

Use the right Style and Tone

What language style and tone of voice is right for your website?

What style is authentic for your company?

What style will engage your audience?

Language Style

If you had to describe the style of language you want, what words would you use?

  • Simple
  • Fun
  • Whimsical
  • Jargon-Free
  • Savvy
  • Insider
  • Serious
  • Jargon-Filled
  • Complex
Character & Tone of Voice

What tone of voice will work best for your business and your target audience?

  • Formal
  • Serious
  • Authoritative
  • Funny
  • Cheeky
  • Approachable
  • Matey
  • Thoughtful
  • Curious
  • Colloquial
  • Edgy
  • Laid Back
  • Clinical
  • Humble
  • Scientific
  • Personal
  • Honest
  • Friendly
  • Warm
  • Inspiring
  • Professional
How to get great content

Know the Purpose

Define the purpose of each piece of content. Clearly explain the purpose to the writer. Once the content is written, review it carefully to decide if the content is going to meet the purpose.

Examples of Purpose include
  • Engage
  • Educate
  • Enable
  • Inform
  • Entertain
  • Delight
  • Sell
  • Amplify
  • Reassure
How to get great content

Define & understand your Target Audience

There are plenty of different ways to define your audience – including by age, interests, gender, and location. For simplicity, here’s how Google segments Target Audience.

Typical Gender of Audience: % Male % Female

Age Groups: % in each Age group
The Age groups are 18-24, 25-34, 35-44 , 45-54, 55-64 and 65+.

Also think of which devices your audience will use to access your website. These days, most people use their mobile phone so your content needs to be easily accessible, consumable and engaging on a mobile phone.

How to get great content

Share your expertise, experience & wisdom

Try to make every piece of content helpful and valuable. Every article and every blog post is an opportunity for you to share your expertise and wisdom on a topic of interest to your customers at some stage in their buying journey with you.

Here are some key questions to consider. If you are writing your own content, then ask yourself these questions. (At Concise Digital, we use some or all of these Interview Questions in our research for articles we write for our clients.)

Interview Questions


    What are the major problems or pains that customers experience around this topic?


    What does your business offer to solve the problems? (Be specific)


    What are the key points that this article on this topic should include?

  4. FAQs

    What are the top 5 FAQs people ask on this topic?


    What are the questions people you wish people would ask? (Most don’t know enough about the topic to ask these questions. They are ignorantly unaware. “Unconsciously Incompetent”)

  6. MYTHS

    Are there any common myths, misunderstandings or misconceptions about this topic? What do people incorrectly think is true or false about this topic?


    What sub-topics and areas could or should be covered in the article? If so, what are the Top 3 – 5 points to cover in each section? What are the best subheads to use?


    What additional technical info can you include on this topic?


    Why will someone look for this content? What search terms will they use in Google? What are the BEST keywords to include? What keywords should be avoided?
    (The Concise Digital SEO specialists conduct extensive research to better understand relevant keywords. This is a technical and very important area. Please contact us if you would like help.)


    What unique expert comments can the client provide on this topic?

How to get great content

Get professional help from Concise

Concise Digital has a professional team of content writers available to create great content for you. We can write a single blog post article or we can prepare every page for your website.

If you want to draft the content yourself, we can carefully proof-read and edit your work. It’s often a good approach that helps you share your expertise. It can save you time and money for us to tidy up a new blog post that you write yourself.

Our team is ready to help you, whether as your regular in-house writing team or with ad hoc casual help whenever you need it.

Price Guide

Good writing for the web is all about creating unique, original and engaging content that is valuable for your customers and easily found in Google. Of course, good writing does take some time. Please use this guide to get realistic estimates of the likely times involved for different work.

Basic Content for New Website

For small sites, we can produce the starter content for your Home page, About Us page, Services pages, Contact Page and your Privacy Policy page. This typically takes around 8 hours, including the initial interview with you.

Content Prep Estimates

Web Pages Range of Hours
Create New Page for website on Topic or Product
Short: 350 to 500 words 2 – 3 hours
Basic: 500 to 1,000 words 2 – 4 hours
Mid length: 1000 – 1500 words 3 – 5 hours
Longer (best for SEO): 2000 – 2500 words 5 – 8 hours
Research and Create New Page for website on Topic or Product
Short: 350 to 500 words 2 – 3 hours plus 1 hour Research
Basic: 500 to 1,000 words 2 – 4 hours plus 2 hour Research
Mid length: 1000 – 1500 words 3 – 5 hours plus 2 – 3 hours Research
Longer (best for SEO): 2000 – 2500 words 5 – 8 hours plus 3 – 5 hours Research
Update existing page on website
Minor updates 1/2 hr – 1 hr
Major re-write 2 – 5 hrs (Often treated as New page)
Add new content to expand existing page on website
Short: 350 to 500 words 2 – 3 hours
Basic: 500 to 1,000 words 2 – 4 hours
Mid length: 1000 – 1500 words 3 – 5 hours plus 2 – 3 hours Research
Longer (best for SEO): 2000 – 2500 words 5 – 8 hours
Longer (best for SEO): 2000 – 2500 words WITH RESEARCH 5 – 8 hours plus 3 – 5 hours Research
Multiple Pages for New Website Varies – Depends if Different Topics or Similar Topics for pages
Multiple Pages for Website Upgrade Varies – Depends if Different Topics or Similar Topics for pages

Single Page Blog post or News story
Short: 350 to 500 words 2 – 3 hours
Basic: 500 to 1,000 words 2 – 4 hours
Mid length: 1000 – 1500 words 3 – 5 hours
Longer (best for SEO): 2000 – 2500 words 5 – 8 hours
Single Page Blog post or News story WITH RESEARCH
Short: 350 to 500 words 2 – 3 hours plus 1 hour Research
Basic: 500 to 1,000 words 2 – 4 hours plus 2 hour Research
Mid length: 1000 – 1500 words 3 – 5 hours plus 2 – 3 hours Research
Longer (best for SEO): 2000 – 2500 words 5 – 8 hours plus 3 – 5 hours Research
eCommerce Category / Collections content 2 – 5 hours
eCommerce Shopping Process – for conversion rate optimisation 2 – 6 hours
eCommerce Product Descriptions (new, for each product)
Short: 350 to 500 words 2 – 3 hours
Basic: 500 to 1,000 words 2 – 4 hours
Mid length: 1000 – 1500 words 3 – 5 hours
Longer (best for SEO): 2000 – 2500 words 5 – 8 hours
eCommerce Cart & Checkout Sales content 2 – 6 hours
eCommerce Shipping, Returns, Guarantee content 1 – 3 hours per page
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) content Depends on content supplied. 2 – 4 hours per 10 FAQs
Privacy Policy & Legal 2 – 4 hours per page
Newsletter Preparation 3 – 8 hours plus Interview & Research Time
Case Study Snapshot (400 – 600 words) 6 – 8 hours plus Interview & Research Time
Case Study Article (1500-2000 words) 8 – 12 hours plus Interview & Research Time
Email 1/2 hr to 3 hours
Infographic Varies – depends on content supplied.
Times can vary substantially depending on content supplied.


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