Smart phones have been around for a long time now, and more people access the web on their mobiles than on desktop or laptop computers. This is true for most websites, so take a look at your Google Analytics for your own website to see how many people view your site on their mobile device. It may surprise you!
Think about when, why and how people might want to use your website. Are they always in an office, looking at your site on the desktop computer? If so, perhaps mobile devices are not so important. However if the number of visitors on mobile devices is low for your site AND your customers are not office workers on desktops, then maybe the low visitor numbers are because your website is difficult to use on a mobile device or not easily found in Google.
We often get approached by prospective new clients looking for clever digital marketing strategies. Before we get too clever, we usually recommend to get the basics right first so you have good foundations for growth. For most businesses, the basics include making sure the mobile website is fast, easy to use, fully functional on mobile with excellent UX (User Experience).
This PrestaShop retailer took our advice and changed their website to be more mobile-focused. The investment paid off. Their Mobile traffic went from 3% of visitors in one year to 56% of visitors the next year. Revenue coming from users on mobile devices increased a dramatic 4,449%!
The key takeaway is, always start by giving your users what they want which is a good experience on your website. And that’s normally a good (or great) mobile experience!
(You can scroll down to view a Google Analytics report for this client.)