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Richard Gareth

Google’s Latest Updates – What You Need To Know (Concise Webinar)

Google’s Latest Updates – What You Need To Know (Concise Webinar)

Posted in Concise Webinars, SEO by and on November 05, 2021
Last updated on 25/01/2023
Google’s Latest Updates – What You Need To Know (Concise Webinar)

It’s no secret that Google frequently changes the algorithm to ‘improve’ its search results.

But… do you know about the latest updates, and what these changes could mean for your website?

If you want better rankings in Google, do you know what is most important now?

This short, sharp and very Concise Webinar was presented by Gareth Lane and Richard Keeves on 4 November 2021.

Webinar Replay

Richard Keeves

Digital Strategist & Director at Concise Digital

I've been in online business for over 25 years. During this time, the digital age has transformed the world, and now many people take it all for granted. I don't take it for granted. It's still amazing and fascinating - and the Internet is great for business when used wisely.

Discovering the emerging Internet in 1994 while running a publishing company producing a national business magazine from 1987-96, I could start to see the powerful future for business online. We started a separate part of our company in 1995 to advise business owners how they could begin to use the Internet. Our 2 person Internet consulting business became a online business consultancy & web development business in 1996, and grew into a public company which we eventually sold in 2008.

In 2012, I wrote 'Catching Digital', a practical guide to business planning in the digital world. Now I work with business owners looking for over-the-horizon vision, strategic clarity and better business results.

In 2014 & 2015, I was the national Chair of Judges for the Australian Web Awards, which gave me deep insights in the Australian web industry. Not all of it is good, which makes me appreciate, and indeed love, the no-BS way we do business here at Concise Digital.

I've been a Director of Concise since 2019 and the past few years have been an exciting roller-coaster. With the benefit of hindsight, I can see that focusing on the survival and growth of our clients during the tough and unpredictable Covid times turned out to be rewarding for our clients and rewarding for us too.

I'm a straight-talking keynote speaker, seminar-workshop presenter and a qualified trainer, and I've run Internet business seminars and workshops throughout Australia, New Zealand and in Asia and the USA. These days, most of my training work is for Concise clients & our team, including our Concise Webinars.

I live in Perth and Busselton, and in my spare time, I enjoy wine, fishing and AFL footy. I'm also a long-suffering member of the Fremantle Dockers football club. ;)

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Gareth Lane

No BS Digital Marketer/Educator

My passion is helping small businesses be more successful online by showing you the mistakes I made and ensuring you avoid the advice that did nothing for me.

I’m one of the directors of Concise.Digital. I run regular talks, workshops and meetups on Google, eCommerce and all things Digital Marketing.

I live in Perth, Western Australia, enjoy wine, food and the sun.

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