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Richard Billie

How To Avoid SEO Scams (Concise Webinar)

How To Avoid SEO Scams (Concise Webinar)

Posted in Concise Webinars, SEO, Websites by and on June 29, 2023
Last updated on 29/06/2023
How To Avoid SEO Scams (Concise Webinar)

How To Avoid SEO Scams (Concise Webinar)SEO or ‘Search Engine Optimisation’ is very important if you want your website to rank well in Google. Unfortunately too many website owners get caught by signing up to long-term overpriced SEO contracts and then pay lots of money for little or no improvements in Google rankings.

In this Concise Webinar, we highlight
* How to recognise a potential SEO scam
* The most important things a good SEO service should cover, and
* The key questions to ask an SEO service provider BEFORE you sign up.

Webinar Replay

Richard Keeves

Richard Keeves is a Digital Strategist & Director at Concise Digital. With over 30 years experience in online business, Richard has seen the digital age transform the world, and has worked with a large number of businesses, not for profits and governments to help make it happen.

Discovering the emerging Internet in 1994 while the publisher of a national business magazine from 1987-96, he started to realise the powerful future for business online. From online publishing in 1995, he started an Internet business consultancy & web development company in 1996 which grew into a public company that was sold in 2008.

In 2012, Richard wrote 'Catching Digital', a practical guide to business planning in the digital world. In 2014 & 2015, he was the national Chair of Judges for the Australian Web Awards.

Richard says "I've been a Director of Concise since 2019 and the past few years have been an exciting roller-coaster. With the benefit of hindsight, I can see that focusing on the survival and growth of our clients during the tough and unpredictable Covid times turned out to be rewarding for our clients and rewarding for us too."

"I'm a straight-talking keynote speaker, seminar-workshop presenter and a qualified trainer, and I've run Internet business seminars and workshops throughout Australia, New Zealand and in Asia and the USA. These days, most of my training work is for Concise clients & our team, including our Concise Webinars.

I live in Perth and Busselton, and in my spare time, I enjoy wine, fishing and AFL footy. I'm also a long-suffering member of the Fremantle Dockers football club. ;)"

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Billie McInerney

"Hi there - I'm Billie!
An SEO specialist here at Concise Digital. SEO is my passion!

It's a constantly changing field that requires your constant attention - sort of like a needy white sauce. But all that attention pays off when you start to see the fruits of your optimisations. It's free to rank in Google's organic search, which gives lots of small businesses the ability to be found on Google without the high costs of PPC advertising.

Outside of optimising websites for SEO, you will probably find me with my pups - Snoopy & Pearl. I could happily spend the rest of my days with them soaking up the Perth sun at one our many beautiful beaches. "

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